The Atlai's Industrial Architecture of the 18th-19th centuries


Petropavlovskiy cathedral, drawing
In the second half of the 18th century such architectural styles as Baroque and Classicism were depicted in the religious buildings of Siberian plants (Barnaul Petropavlovskiy cathedral by the architect D. P. Makulov, the project of the church rotunda by N. A. Lvov. The latter was not fulfilled but the fact that a gifted architect from the capital worked for Siberia is very important. This work adds to a short list of such examples: there is evidence that Jacomo Quarengi projected a very big two-storeyed building with benches for Irkutsk; Kazachiy Nikolskiy cathedral by V. P. Stasov in Omsk is widely known. The project of church for Kolyvan by N. A. Lvov is one of the most original and perfect classical works in this list).
During the whole 18th century Siberian plants were rational and utilitarian; aesthetical purposes of architects were reached predominantly in the erection of religious buildings. In the first third of the 19th century an original branch of Russian Classicism was formed -- the industrial architecture. Its development is connected with the introduction of the post of the architect on the plants' staff. It is important to notice that professional architects appeared there in the end of 1780-s. The first was A. I. Molchanov (born in 1764, died after 1824), a son of a soldier. The Cabinet sent him to study at the Academy of Art in Petersburg.

The students of K. I. Rossi L. I. Ivanov (1803--?) and Ya. N. Popov (1802--after 1852) have fulfilled the main principles of classicism in the project of the public center of Barnaul. Aesthetics of maximum open space, the system of space connections, and the creation of distant visual vistas, thanks to these fulfilled principles the view of the town-plant's historical center can be related to the list of rare architectural monuments of Siberia.

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